Tuesday, 1 March 2016

New Mom Should Know: Baby Blues Syndrome!

(Pic: www.metroparentmagazine.com)

New mom with new born baby needs to know what psychological syndromes which are going on after the birth of little baby. New mom needs to know these kinds of the baby blues syndromes. Some of new mom with newborn baby may suffer baby blues. Baby blues are just like common syndromes caused by the hormones which are changed after birth. It is also called postpartum distress syndrome. New mom would feel anxiety feelings like sadness, afraid, worries, tired, and many stressful feelings. This is happening at 3-4 days after birth and it lessens after 2 weeks. New mom must read the signs of baby blues below now!.
1.       Sadness and depression

After birth, new mom may feel some sad and worries for her baby like she afraid of everything related to her little baby. It is normal and it should be getting better after2 weeks. But when it is not getting better after two week, then new mom should see the doctor and ask for the cures. It is called no more baby blues syndrome but it turns into baby postpartum depression.

2.       Sensitive
New mom may suffer some feeling sensitivities like she is even easy to cry on something, easy to be touched, easy to be angry, and many others.
3.        Headache and fatigue
In the early of baby birth, new mom may feel fatigue sic nein the early of new born baby needs some extra time to keep on awake. This may cause of fatigue like new mom had little sleep and rest. New mom may suffer headache and fatigue.
4.       Unconfident and anxiety
New mom may feel unconfident for herself. She may feel afraid of her baby condition and future.
5.       Hard to sleep
Fatigue may make new mom is hard to sleep and always stay awake. This could be a difficult time for new mom. This may lead to the postpartum depression.

Those are the symptoms of the baby blues syndrome. Here are some solutions to overcome the baby blues syndrome on new mom. The first is just be positive like just keep in mind to think positive on everything. This could be helpful to release stress. The second is Read books or media that contain information related to the baby care. The third is looking for supports. It is like new mom need to cooperate on husband to taking care of little baby or if husband is too much busy then seek help from baby sitter to do baby sit for an hour and let you for rest. Seeking help could be better. The fourth is keeping the diet. It is really important to keep the diet menu every day. New mom should pay attention on the nutrition for daily especially for those who is in breast feeding.