Is Homosexuality a Choice? is a question and a statement confirming about the homosexuality that happens in
the society and it is now treated as a mental disorders. However, a scientific
proofs says that homosexuality cannot be treated as a mental disorders. In the
term of terminology, homosexuality is sometimes also defined in terms of an attraction between two same sex. The term "orientation" is particularly favored by those
who are promoting public acceptance of homosexuality. Homosexuality is not a choice actually. The
homosexuality commonly happens in animals such as dolphins, monkeys, zebras,
elephants, buffaloes, donkeys, sheep and so on. The three factors that cause the
homosexuality are genes, hormones, and birth order. In psychology, homosexuality
possibly can be caused by the absent of the father. The absent of the father
can cause the son looses the figure of the father.
The figure
of the father is really important to build the characters of the son. The first
factors that causes homosexuality is genes. In other words, the cause of
homosexuality is since in the mother’s womb. The antigens and antibodies of the
mother are absorbed by the baby boy in the mother’s womb. So, it causes more
feminine hormones in the baby boy. Third, it caused by birth order. Usually,
the youngest brother tends to be a homosexual. Especially if the distant birth
between the elder brother and the younger brother is far. In the past time,
homosexuality is treated as a mental disorder and not welcomed well in the
society. Homosexuality even treats as a mental disorder. Although the
homosexuality has already been treated in the religion aspects (ex gay
ministry) but it would never be totally cured. Homosexuality is caused by three factors.
They are genes, hormones, and birth order.