Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Second Month Pregnancy Food for You a Happy Mom

On your second month of pregnancy, you need to care a lot for your diet because second month of pregnancy is the stage where your baby in your womb starts to grow its important parts of body organ. You need to cater all the nutrition for your baby development. You need some substances like vitamins and others to support your baby developments. There are some important substances like folic acid, iron, zinc, vitamin A. vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K.

You can get folic acid substances from foods like from green vegetables. It is a good idea to have salad as your daily menu of second month pregnancy food. Or your just simply try some Asian cuisine of green vegetables. You also need to eat fruit with high folic acid like consuming avocado and orange. Folic acid help your baby grows their body parts perfectly. Folic acid is the one of the most important substance to be consumed during your pregnancy. You can also boost your folic acid by drink pregnancy milk.

Consume zinc substance like it is contained in beans, eggs, and meats. You can have breakfast with boiled eggs, boiled green vegetables sprinkled with olive oil, and fruits. You can also have baked meat for your breakfast. Make sure all your meats for foods are baked or cooked well done. All vitamin substances are contained in all fruits. You can have a menu of fruit salad. This could be as your yummy lunch.

Then, the main important substance that second month pregnant mom has to consume is carbohydrate. Carbohydrate can be as the strength. Pregnant mom needs to consume carbohydrate like in potatoes, rice, corn, cassava, and many others. You need to consume carbohydrate every day to get your energy and maintain your health due to your pregnancy.