Menstrual Cramps Remedy: Use Our Asian Turmeric
Herb Drink Receipt!
Do you feel annoyed and sick during your period
as you always have menstrual cramps? Having menstrual cramps is very annoying
especially when you have it on the work days. You may consume some pain killers
to reduce your menstrual cramps but don’t you know that consuming pain killer
pills for menstrual cramps is not that good for your future condition. This
article would provide you natural turmeric herb for healing your menstrual
cramps. This turmeric herb can be found in Asian market near your place.
Turmeric is one of the traditional herbs that is used to heal menstrual cramps.
You can make the drink from the turmeric herb.
But first you need to know that turmeric is kind of rhizome herb and it is one
of the ginger family. Turmeric and ginger that people knows are different. Turmeric
has deep yellow and orange color with specific odor and ginger has white color
with different specific odor. It is so true that turmeric can heal your menstrual
cramps since it is used as the traditional healer used till now in Asian
countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, and India. In Asian countries turmeric
drinks are sold in the grocery, sears, and market.
Turmeric contains anti inflammation substance, curcuminoid
substance which are all anti cancer remedies. This could heal your period
cramps as well. You can made your own turmeric drink at your home. Here are the
simple steps that you can do to make Turmeric drinks as your daily herb to heal
your period or menstrual cramps. The first thing that you need to do is that
you need to visit Asian market or even herb or food market near your place and
you buy turmeric powder if it is available or even you can buy the turmeric rhizomes.
Also you need to but sugar palm or brown sugar to sweeten up your herb. Read
these steps of making turmeric drink below.
1. 5 teaspoon of Turmeric powder/
turmeric rhizomes 5 fingers
2. 3 teaspoon of brown sugar or sugar
palm (adjust your own sweet)
3. 1 finger of tamarind/ 1 teaspoon of
tamarind powder
4. 4 glasses of water
How to make:
1. Add turmeric powder and sugar into 4
glasses of hot water and 1 finger of tamarind/ 1 teaspoon of tamarind powder,
stir them well. Drink when it is cooler. Place to refrigerator drink for 2-3
times a day before the day of your period.
2. Blend 5 turmeric fingers with 4
glasses of unboiled water, then place them into boiler with sugar, boil them
well and add 1 finger of tamarind/ 1 teaspoon of tamarind powder. Filter the juice
and let it cooler. You can add ice cubes on your drinks for tasty cold drink.
You need to drink this turmeric day one week
before your menstrual day or 3-5 days before the menstrual day. You would feel
no pain or crams during your period. It is a healthy and magic drink for you.
Share these tips and be healthy with Asian herb drink. Good luck!