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Hi, my dear reader, I would like to give you Islamic Master Ceremonial Script today in this post. If you are about to have an occasion like Islamic seminar or any occasion that relates to Islamic celebration you can have this one here just copy it. What I am giving you here is formal Islamic master ceremonial script for sure. This Islamic master ceremonial script is previously made by my beloved lecturer R.I.P. Jiah Fauziah, M.Hum, she passed away after giving a birth of her fourth daughter named Fatimah Fauziah Al-Jufri. I am once her admirer she was gorgeous as her life time. She was the smartest person I have ever met, she was kind and everything. I know God picks the most beautiful flower in the world, as the one I knew her death I was so broken heart. I know realize that she is the one f the most beautiful flower in the world. She passed away on Friday, the day when every Moslem believe to be the day of Rahmah free of tortures and those who died in Friday, their sins will be all forgiven. here below is the example of the MC script at Conference of Global Perspective, Spiritualism, and Globalism 2012 held in Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
All plenary speakers
of the conference, .....
Assalamu’alaikum, Good Morning and a
warm welcome to all of you in this wonderful place.
•Innal hamda lillah
•Nahmaduhu wa nastainuhu, wa nastaghfiruh,
•wa naudzu billahi min sururi anfusina wa min sayyiati a’malina
yahdihillahu fala mudlilla lah
•Wamanyudlilhu fala hadiya lah
•Asyhadu alla ilaha illah wa asyhadu anna muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluh
•Allahumma solli ala muhammad wa ‘ala alihi wa ashabihi wa man tabi’ahu ila yaumid din
be to Allah the Lord of the Universe, for His blessings have made us all gather
here in this wonderful place at this happy moment to open a program that we
hope will be fruitful for
all of us in the future.
praise Him. We ask
for His help and His forgiveness. We repent of our sins to Him. We seek refuge
in Him from the evils of ourselves. We seek refuge in Him from the evil
consequences of our deeds.
• People who receive
guidance from God have none to lead them astray. If God leads someone astray,
no one could give him guidance. I believe there is no god who has the right to be
worshiped but Allah and I testify that Muhammad is His servant and His
messenger. May God's blessings be always devoted to Prophet Muhammad, his
family, his companions, and all his followers for all time.
•Ladies and Gentlemen
•This international Conference is held by .......
•In cooperation with .......
•For the following days we will have 3 plenary sessions with 8/9 plenary speakers and 6 parallel sessions.
•Our plenary speakers will give the general frame of our whole discussion, They will deliver their presentation on three main topics of this conference.
first topic is Multi Faces of Spirituality.
topic will be discussed on the first by:
1.Prof. Dr. Mark Woodward
2.Dr. Syafa’atun Almirzanah
3.Dr. Taufik Pasiak
The second topic is
Changing faces of Radicalism
topic will be discussed by:
Dr. Yudi Latif
Noorhaidi Hasan, PhD
Eddy Prayitno
•The third topic is Religion and Contemporary Issues.
•This topic will be discussed by:
Prof. Dr. Franz Magnis-Suseno
Prof. Dr. Musdah Mulia
3. Novriantoni Kahar, Lc
Before we have this opening ceremony, allow me to read our whole agenda this
1.First of all, we will listen to the READING OF THE HOLY
2.It is followed by A WELCOMING SPEECH from the committee
3.Then, comes AN OPENING REMARK which will be delivered by,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
4.This will be succeeded by the first PLENARY SESSION of
the conference.
5.After the mid noon break, the parallel session will
succeed till about 4 pm.
start now our firs program. For the reading of
the holy Qur’an, we would like to invite Miss Amilatul Azmi (student of To the floor is yours.
following is a welcoming remark by the head of committee Mr. Siswanto.
and gentlemen, allow me to invite Mr. Siswanto, the floor is yours.
•The second remark will be delivered by Mrs. Sekar Ayu Aryani representing the rector of UIN who will
officially open this conference and beat
the Gong to mark this opening
and gentlemen, please welcome Mrs. Sekar Ayu Aryani
you Mrs. Sekar Ayu Aryani for the encouraging
opening remark. Finally, our program has been officially opened, and what
follows is the first
Plenary session.
LG, Please welcome
1.Prof. Dr. Mark Woodward
2.Dr. Syafa’atun Almirzanah
3.Dr. Taufik Pasiak
And Dr. Alim Ruswantoro,
M. Ag. As the moderator.
you very much.
the honors belong only to God, and so are all the glorification and goodness.
May the safety is devoted to thee, O Prophet, as well as His grace and
blessings. May the safety also be granted to us and to God’s righteous
servants. “O Allah, grant Thy grace and blessing to Muhammad and his family, as
Thou have given Thy grace and blessing to Abraham and his family. Thou art the
Praiseworthy and the Exalted.
and gentlemen, the programme has been officially
opened. Before we close this opening ceremony, on behalf of the committee I
extend our hearty gratitude to all the audience for their sincere attention,
and I would also like to apologize for
any inconvenience during this programme.
•Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.