Thursday, 25 February 2016

Try This New!, Yummy Chocolate Bubble Milk Shake: Homemade Receipt!


This gonna be a nice upcoming summer season for you! It is also gonna be the time for you to do sun bathing. You may used to have sun bathing with your friends at the pool patio or in your own open place outside your home. It is a good idea to have kind of the beverage like the one recommended for you is yummy homemade bubble milk shake. It should be a different way to taste your milkshake since there would be additional chewy and sweet bubbles on it. Don’t worry!  We give you this yummy homemade bubble milk shake receipts that you can make it on your own kitchen before doing sun bathing. Basically, you need to cook for two receipts which is the first is to make the chocolate bubbles and the second is to make the chocolate milkshake. So, here are the receipts for the chocolate bubble milkshake for 2 servings!
Let's check it out!

Make Chewy Chocolate Bubbles!


1.      Tapioca powder or tapioca starch for 200 gram
2.      Salt for a half tablespoon
3.      Cocoa powder for 2 tablespoons
4.      Sugar 4 tablespoons
5.      Hot water 500 ml
6.      Water 800 ml

How to make:

1.      Add tapioca starch, salt, cocoa powder or the other flavor paste or powder instead of chocolate if you want to have other flavors. Mix them well.
2.      Add a little of hot water and stir and again till it forms to a kind of dough.
3.      Shape the dough into little round bubbles with your hands.
4.      Boil 500 ml of water and add the bubbles. Boil the bubbles into the boiling water till the bubbles coming up into the surface. Take aside the bubbles.
5.      Meanwhile add 300 ml of hot water and add sugar. Stir them till it is done and add the bubbles. Leave the bubbles for 15 minutes and the bubbles are ready for milkshake!

Make Chocolate Milk Shake


1.      Milo milk powder for 5 tablespoons
2.      Chocolate full cream milk 3 tablespoons
3.      Oreo 4 pieces (crushed)
4.      Ice cubes for 15 pieces or needed (crushed)
5.      Mineral water 300 ml

How to make:

1.       Add milo, chocolate full cream milk, crushed ice cubes, and mineral water to juicer. Then, blend that well.
2.   Add Bubble into two glasses, then pour the milkshake into those glasses. You can add the vanilla or chocolate ice cream for toppings also whatever the flavor it is.
3.      The last is sprinkle the crushed Oreo on them and serve!